Frank Gerber
With the help of BDO's IT Governance Check, your current situation with regard to IT governance, IT risk and IT compliance is recorded. As a result, you will receive an assessment of the current status with regard to internal and external requirements. The recording is based on your previous organizational and documentation structures.
After determining the current situation, we will work with you to develop a package of measures that will enable you to meet all requirements.
BDO offers its clients and customers a solution approach which, in a first step, highlights all critical areas in IT in order to identify weaknesses and define tailor-made measures.
The legal representatives bear the responsibility for achieving the corporate policy objectives in accordance with the company's business policy.
The IT processes and IT systems used are critical for achieving the set goals. The risks associated with the use of IT are to be managed in the following IT areas by means of appropriate regulations:
To this end, a suitable internal monitoring and control system must be set up to ensure effective protection of the assets of the company and its legal representatives.
We support the goal of improving or setting up an appropriate control and management system (see also setting up an internal control system (ICS) according to common standards) by recording and analyzing the risks of the IT areas mentioned above. Our recommendations are based, among other things, on the practice-proven standards CObIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology), ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) as well as other national (e.g. IDW standards, Institute of Auditors) and international standards (e.g. SOX, Sarbanes-Oxley Act).
Efficient accounting systems are indispensable for controlling and monitoring companies. Board members and managing directors need timely, reliable and meaningful information in order to make decisions and manage.
BDO examines the security and trustworthiness of systems and processes and supports its clients in establishing effective risk management.