
Qualification of supervisory board members is essential for them to perform the assigned tasks correctly and accurately. It is a prerequisite for the supervisory board to effectively and efficiently monitor the management board. In 2010, the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) government commission formulated section 5.4.1 of the German Corporate Governance Code as follows:

‘The members of the supervisory board take sole responsibility for their tasks of successful training and further training measures. They shall be assisted in this appropriately by the company.’

This code system, which non-listed companies are also recommended to observe, is based on a new understanding of the law. The government commission assumes that supervisory boards have a duty to educate and train themselves. They are required to go through training and are also required to report to the shareholders. However, neither the law nor the German Corporate Governance Code determine which training measures are required for their tasks.

Given this situation, BDO Board Support has developed a modular qualification concept that can be flexibly tailored to the specific circumstances of the enterprise. Knowledge and information is transferred particularly in the form of professional individual coaching, in-house training, advanced training courses, workshops and seminars according to individual agreements. The qualification measures are designed to enhance professional qualifications, in particular the economic, commercial and legal skills of supervisory board members, and their professional independence. They are conducted by an interdisciplinary team of highly qualified experts.

Please contact us for more details of our training concept.

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Parwäz Rafiqpoor

Parwäz Rafiqpoor

Lawyer, Chairperson of the Executive Board
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Markus Brinkmann

Markus Brinkmann

CFE, Partner, Forensic, Risk & Compliance
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