Cloud consultancy

Our service spectrum:

  • Creating a cloud strategy
  • Requirements analysis
  • Creation of performance specifications
  • Selection of providers
  • System selection
  • Project management

Our service spectrum is oriented around the requirements of cloud projects from developing a cloud strategy to creating performance specifications and project management.

You want software from the cloud? But how?

In addition to the stated topics of classic roll-out projects, cloud projects have special issues in terms of:

        1. Process integration                                                     2. Technical integration

Cloud Beratung


Compliance in the cloud

One benefit of the cloud is that a high level of security can be achieved at a reasonable price. However, vulnerabilities can have negative consequences. How do you avoid them, and implement the correct requirements?

  • Data security and data protection
    What is permissible and what do you need to watch out for? We support you in defining the requirements in the field of data security and data protection.
  • Laws and standards
    Do you know where your data are; that is, in which country the storage systems are operated? Many legal requirements expect you to have this knowledge. We are familiar with the legislation and the requirements of external auditors, and will help you comply with them.
  • Assessment criteria and useful certificates
    IT security in cloud computing: which assessment criteria exist, and what do you need to watch out for? It is easy to lose track! We have a clear vision and can show you the right path.

Contact us!

Tanja Cech

Tanja Cech

Certified Tax Advisor, Lawyer, Partner
Tax & Legal
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