Modular System

We offer BDO LEAD in a modular system so that you can choose the functional packages that meet your individual needs.

Basic module Lessee

  • Fully functional archival and accounting of leases for lessees as required by IFRS
  • Integration of individual company accounting policies and automatic application of predefined options and other internal company standards
  • Analysis and evaluation of data

Basic module Lessor

  • Fully functional archival and accounting of leases for lessors as required by IFRS
  • Integration of individual company accounting policies, because IFRS accounting standards for lessors still differentiate between operating and finance leases.
  • Analysis and evaluation of data

Additional module | US-GAAP

  • Accounting in line with US-GAAP is also possible in addition to IFRS
  • No need to enter datasets separately

Additional module Rights

  • Option of setting different rights for users ensures the data remain confidential
  • Different write and read rights make it possible to allocate roles to different employees (e.g. contract amendments only with the prior approval of a supervisor)

Additional module Option module

  • Individual adjustments and additions to BDO LEAD
  • Additional configuration options, e.g. connections to other programs or addition of extra language modules

Contact us!

Dr. Jens Freiberg

Dr. Jens Freiberg

German Public Auditor, Member of the Executive Board, Head of Capital Markets
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