Automotive Sector update Q2-2021

Global Automotive M&A transaction deal flow Q2-2021. 

  • Executive summary — Automotive Suppliers Q2-2021
  • M&A transactions Q2-2021 (selection)

  • Automotive Suppliers — M&A activity over time. With 82 deals in Q2-2021, global automotive deal flow continues to recover from lower transaction activity in 2020

  • Global Automotive M&A transaction deal flow. H1-2021 experienced strong domestic deal flow in all key regions. US outbound EU deal flow recovers while cross-border deal flow in general remains muted

  • Recent sector share price performance

  • Implied multiples. European Suppliers

  • Sales growth rates & operating margins. European Suppliers

  • Implied multiples. North American Suppliers

  • Sales growth rates & operating margins. North American Suppliers

BDO Automotive Sector Update Q2-2021